As we stated before, our most valued commodity is in fact, trust. The only thing we can do to achieve this with our various stakeholders is to fulfill our social responsibility and to allow ourselves to be held accountable for our actions by both the public and the law. Some of our policies that are designed to achieve this include:-
Otsuka creating products for better health worldwide for the society. Otsuka India align its corporate social responsibilities with Otsuka group & setup medical centres to provide healthcare advise services by expert doctors to the patients. Healthcare advice services are being started in 2016 and since than Otsuka Medical Centre treated more than thousands of patients. The Medical Centre made significant social contributions to society and earned a reputation as a source of the reliable medical advice.
Beyond the aforementioned, company has undertaken numerous steps to protect the environment. The company routinely organises water conservation awareness programmes and campaigns for tree planting in the adjacent villages. We practise sustainable production, taking numerous actions on a regular basis to lessen the impact of our carbon footprint and recycle natural resources.
Being a responsible company, we will continue to work towards the welfare of society and environmental safety.
Fair Labour laws
This includes not promoting child labor, preventing any type of forced labor, ensuring the fair and on-time payment of wages, preventing any sort of discrimination at the workplace, allowing workers to express their grievances, and considering their feedback, Providing fair working hours with periodic breaks in between, etc
Investing in noble causes through charitable organizations and NGOs that are well recognized and have legal backing, etc.
Ethical business practices
Not engaging in false advertising, Respecting Intellectual copyright laws, providing a system through which customer grievances can be heard and taken into consideration, not committing any fraud or other unlawful behavior, etc.